Wednesday, April 27, 2011

alternatively entire have and the pursuance of tall ideals

Section 21: like the white man's basic character
like white people's basic personality ~ adopt a serious attitude, versatile, perfectionist ~ like the white people a great many adults, just like white people very little, but the longing for Many white people have. yearning white people and the beauty of pure white adored vision, which is preferred in white. If you like white, this means you must be an aspirational person. regardless of the cause of love, or all have and the pursuance of high ideals, and most of them is a perfectionist. like the white people will move toward their goal, their attitude seriously talented. If you like white, but ascertain they are not enough hard work, this only shows You ordinarily just full of yearning and more white. to select clothes, you will generally look idea white. You want to be everyone's concern, but not to a type of madness in front of people. You just want to stay silently to the people under the impression. In addition, you may easily feel alone, or good performances alone. In short, when one wants to purify the soul, will think of white. In addition, a symbol of white or young, so young people who want to become too think white. With age, women will be more like white, maybe because they want to repossess from the white bar lost young. Moreover, like most white people have a gentle, kind center , but also very strong family merits. hate white people basically, very few people hate white. Although there are not too concerned about the white on white, or not interested, but it is not hate white. hate white people because white will most likely be they are reminiscent of previous painful experience. a little like the white people like white people suggested, and has the characteristics of white, as vulnerable to outside influences, and whether good or bad effects of no exception. If Not only do you like white, are also vulnerable to outside influence, I suggest you wear something more chromatic clothes. though not in front of people outrageous, hey? really? but I hope people's minds. like the white people, huh serious attitude and versatile . easy to feel alone, my personality and is very sensitive to undesirable hh. regardless of the cause of love, or, indeed is a perfectionist.
Section 22: the psychological effects of
white white psychological effect / related anecdotes ① ~ white The entire globe, white as noble, divine color ~ white in the globe are thought noble, the divine color, and therefore respected by the people. In ancient Egypt, the white color is a symbol of God; In Rome, the angel of paradise dressed in white; exorcism amulets mostly white; God and the wizard known as the white wizardry spell; In Christianity, the white color is a symbol of Jesus and the White Snake hh animals such as white horse is to be human given the sacred symbol. Japanese and white also has a long relationship. As early as in the feeling cold, and this separation will also outcome in other negative impression. In short, the color white because of the characteristics without giving the impression of two extremes. Why is the white marrying dress? people think white dress symbolizes the Virgin and the pure. White Wedding in Europe, history is not long, about half of the 18th centenary there began to pop up. Japan as early as the Muromachi period (ie 15th century to 16th century) have to wear a white wedding dress in the habit. At that time, within 3 days afterward the wedding, the bride should wear white clothes, then we can put on normal clothes. Over time, the bride wore white clothes of the time gradually abbreviated. until now, only in the marriage ritual, the bride was wearing a white dress. a white bride's dress is not only a symbol of naivete, in Japan there is dissimilar floor of meaning, that is, the bride resolved to leave her family, he had already anticipated feasible future ups and downs, good psychological arrangement of the terror of death. In fact , white in Japan, there is dissimilar wafer of meaning. white dress, is said to signify innocence hh white dress means that when the bride leaves her family in the decision not afraid of death has yet done the mental readiness. In Japan, the bride is wearing upper and lower body white. However, later many annuals in many families hh told you a hundred times! urine put the toilet seat down after! are not afraid of her husband to dead at whichever time to do a psychological preparation hh White said there has been no contamination.
Section 23: white on white
the psychological effects of perception / learning about the white surrender ② why a white flag? sumo match in Japan, with black and white to characterize the outcome, said the failure of the black, white said the win. The same is white, periodically they said accurate the opposite definition, which should be highly representative example of the digit of white flags. In battle, the white or the amount on behalf of truce, which held a white flag to surrender, said. This is why? What is one of deep meaning? fact, raise a white flag means: we discard in the towel, you can paint our flag on your color. on a 1st date is best not to wear white clothes with white clothes, men and women wear very different results. For men, white shirt with a suit is a classical match. White had a noticeable effect, but we are so worn over time into a habit, hand, not giving people Under the special impression. Therefore, men, white has become a general color, there is no good and bad in others. However, for women, wearing white clothes but looked very special. on a first date, Women always want to make herself look more beautiful and moving, often wear white clothes. However, White can accessible give the impression of a cold impression, both to mushroom the tension, which makes the chilly mall continuously. Therefore, the recommended first date, women are the most good wear specifics can reflect their own brightly colored clothes. In fact, the meaning of the white and did not throw in the towel, depart a good impression of the white majority. pure and fresh and clean and only use it in prefer of white non-color characteristics, goodwill to accept each other's flag colors mean. However, the white has a negative connotation, such as the white flag. does not mean that the table wearing a white surrender. shoot! report! monkey's shake is unusual, is dressed in white! white flag to surrender, said that in worldwide law of war apparently defined.
Section 24: like the basic character of the gray gray
like the basic character of ~ highlight each other, people who are good at balancing the situation of people like ~ like gray gray mostly able to work, well-educated and knowledgeable people. They are always considerate of others, with people easily. with the spotlight than they would catch on support and highlight others. Gray is the color, generally not liked, but it has highlighted in other colors characteristics. like the gray area may be in character and gray are similar. they will not over-excited, fulfil very stable, steadily Dangdang life. They will cleverly avoid the obstacles in life. If that like black people tend to use the black stop outdoor pressure, then others like the gray and the gray to the external pressure, or disabled and below pressure. Most of the people like a gray balance situations, and thus very popular. Young less people like the gray, gray can be seen more suitable for adult people. like the silver-gray or light gray were more sense of the city, not only fashionable, but also a very acute sense of fashion. like dark gray and gray-black, etc. thick gray or others with a sense of permanence to pursue a sense of stability. operators are like the color, it is because they have to face many constraints and obstacles, while the thick gray gives a feeling of solace and help people to think calmly. hate people who hate the gray people generally do not like the gray monotony of life. concrete is gray, so gray and cold often gives people a sense of closure. not like a closed surroundings and cement walls were generally Comparison of conflict gray. to those who like a little gray recommendations
Section 25: like the basic character of gray when people absence to obtain rid of
status but lack the courage to act, they tend to provide in the arms of gray. This When people's mental state is consistent with the characteristics of gray. recommended at this time and more use of some pink or purple, with these types of color and gray is very good. with the pink or mauve would look gray and light can people from the steady state of calm to ease hyperactivity. inclusions, they are workaholics. crackling Although good at reducing stress for themselves, but people like gray hh, Hee hee hee hee generally very stable character. too easy too early to the stamina wasted. They are good at highlighting others. your knot is very beautiful thing. can well balance the situation.
Section 26: the psychological effects of
gray gray psychological effect / anecdotes about the gray ~ the effect of either black and white, highlight color of the other ~ Grey is a blend of black and white, color, assorted brightness of gray near to black or white, can generate results. gray-black kind of ponderous feeling, but the silver will give a species of elegant, peaceable feeling. gray black results reflected stronger than white, gray and therefore a greater clash by black. Gray is also a negate pronoun. In English, the term for the gray gray, the word means not only gray, There are black and overcast averaging. However, the gray is from the mid-point of death to life, so in some cases, a symbol of regeneration. a variety of colors and gray with the effect of it alone to be better than gray. For instance, in strong sense of the city, or elegant color matching by adding gray to enhance the overall effect. gray is the starting point of the Japanese mainstream? In fact, the Japanese are very good at using the gray. Back in the Edo duration, the rat-based color gray in the people in the popular. of the Edo Shogunate banned people living too excessive, and even clothes made of matters and colors are restricted. Thus, in the rat population to generate a gray color-based culture. Japan Forty-eight hundred tea Rat a color spectrum, refers to the assorted changes in gray. In fact, no 480 kinds of gray, this is just the Edo period an amplified statement of the people. Eight in Japanese has infinitely many meanings. At the time, Most people use the Yin Shu, Rikyu mouse, Fukagawa mice and plum mice and other gray. Japan can be so shrewd difference between the gray, this is not to mention gray is the Japanese culture from the sense of color and mainstream sense of thinking? so, resulting in brown and gray color change. This is shrieked the Forty-eight of tea per mouse. Forty-eight mice of tea per mouse Rikyu mouse silver Shu Shu Mei 70 kinds of colors. Edo, the shogunate arrayed a luxury we must not live! high officials against the people lived in luxury. I believe At that time the bandit, the thief we also disburse consideration to fashion! wear is very new. Even the clothes were made of substances and colors are finite. twister silk cotton trees
Section 27: Do you like the basic character of the red
like the basic character of the red ~ export-oriented character, enthusiasm, strong sense of judge of the people ~ like the red red is a very popular color, but at this point there is no distinction between men and women. Extrovert most like red. like the red one active, mobile and strong, very well-developed motor, but do not want to think deeply before acting. like the red one large mood swings (principally in the publish of men and women), once the hair on fire, the consequences would be unfortunate. Their action is always thinking onward, speak is frank. In addition, most careless people like red, warm, and very sense of justice. They very conversational and spoke often dance. like the red one attractive, but there are wayward side, sometimes very insolent. Moreover, when people are longing for love, it will also tend to like red. There are people who although she likes red, but not Ganchuan red clothing or wear red accessories. these people have not the enthusiasm of the red up to a definite extent, but it is also like the red keep forces. red is too bold, perhaps these people do not want too many attention. They tend to be logical, but eager to have action, and thus will like red. these people once felt the fascination of the red, will the situation as out of control. they suddenly wearing a red upper and lower body, even the lip are painted bright red. red especially for those who people who lack self-confidence, allowing them to enjoy themselves from the inside and outside. hate people who hate the red most of the red is not easy to meet people. not his dream halfway frustrated, that is, not your heart work hard to proceed. At this point, people tend to the red have a very strong resistance. Red symbolizes action, and while he is currently just at the stage of stagnation, and thus disposed to psychological sense of imbalance, which produces aversion to red. to people who like red like Suggestion the red one side and bad character, it is relatively great mood swings. In fact, if a little more use of light makes a cool red or red, can make up for shortcomings of character. However, the excessive wear red clothes,it namely prevailing tonamelyear is no End yet likewise apt the brothers and sisters, the body is not good, but if the proportion of suitable adjustments to the red area, you can receive a double. In fact, sometimes a little red can also play a very good decorative effect, appear to be more fashionable. However, somewhat capricious. Well ! I discontinue! like the red one, very dynamic. feel a little larger, more haphazard, well I still persist to do it! but also an optimist. warm, wealthy sense of justice. Hey! not allowed to tease the small turtle!
Section 28: the psychological effects of red
the psychological effects of ruddy / red anecdotes about ① red can improve exercise capacity, and enhance the sense of competition is said to have improved exercise capacity and red improve the sense of championship results. British Dara Farm University researchers conducted a learn ashore this, the statistics of the boxing, taekwondo and wrestling and additional active events wearing a red jersey and blue jersey winner among the ratio of sportsmen. statistics show that wearing a red jersey opportunity of winning athletes was significantly higher than the athletes to wear the blue jersey. If the two sides in strength, wear the red jersey of the player more possible to triumph. red not only can improve exercise capacity, and promote the sense of competition, for it is amplified color can also be occasioned by oppressive to the opponent, forcing the wastage of morale. Why are not males of the color red? red symbolizes the bombard and strength, yet why not the men of the red color, and women generally use it? had to give a red kinds of lusty feelings, merely in the modern conception, is more suitable for a blue or dark men and women for the red. Why? In Medieval Western civilizations, men and women detach colors habits. At that period, the red Women are not the preferential color, and blue is the color attributes of the Virgin Mary, a symbol of feminine pulchritude. Seen in this light, now blue and black men and women in red, which may be reasoned along human habits . from the baby, the parents give the boys in blue and dark, more to the girls in red, over time this is nailed with the usage of color down, and slowly become a accustomed. In Japan, babies go to school the behind of the bag with red and black of the points. girls behind red bag, black bags and the boys back. In addition, black man restroom sign, while the feminine toilet red flag. kid from an early old by their parents instilled male blue and black, the conception of petticoat red, how can we not grow up to manner a set meditative it? In fact, men with red just as well. In the movie, open male red Ferrari amusements automobile better reflect his wild side. I think , red is more suitable for men, blue for women only. Although more handy to use colors to distinguish between men and women, merely also cozy to fashion one erroneous stereotype. However, this is why? ah men have all used blue and black, when women always use red. about color, there are some unwritten rules. urgency urgency give juvenile black men and women taught children the concept of red. ape Lisa White, you are a girl, ought be red. Wow, for instance, male toilet sign lavatory with a black, female toilet in red. Although men and women separate more handy use of color, but still some good free. hey? If this is the color of my rotate, I am fearful there is trouble, hey? for numerous people through color recognizable.
Section 29: Red anecdotes about the psychological effects of red
/ anecdotes about ② red red red What is that? Japanese red that the term refers to the number of men There are a woman, here referring to those with red to represent a woman. However, the aboriginal ambitious of the red point is not the case. First, the red a little word from the Chinese Song Dynasty and the famous author and political reformer Wang's poem , the aboriginal poem is dark green million sticks of red that is not to be more charming spring flowers. red is not characteristic to women that initially, only the Japanese to depict the beauty of women borrowed the clause prominent poem, was devoted to refer to one of many men women, and more highlight the beauty of women. like this borrowed by the Japanese, the language of the middle savor there are many examples. Why wearing red Santa Claus? keep a long white beard, wearing a red Christmas Santa dress indispensable role. It is said that Santa Claus is a 名叫圣尼古拉斯 the Saints. every year in December, he will distribute gifts to the children. Later, people to Saint Nicholas as the prototype fashion the picture of Santa Claus. However, Santa Claus Initially there is no uniform dressing. According to historical records, also arose in blue Santa. to 1931, Coca-Cola Company to meet the promotional absences of adore in the St. Nicholas to Santa Claus on the foundation of clothes design clothing, and the company's image and color - the color of the red dress as Santa Claus. Since the excellent Coca-Cola improvement, wearing red Santa Claus will presently be promoted. I did not expect the children nightmare of going to see Santa is also secluded so thatplotted. gurgle to beverage Coca-Cola Santa Claus Yeah! Santa Claus wearing a red dress Why? Hi! is the expansion of the red color, is profitable to the promotion of the image. So, chubby antique man's image gradually been taking root. According to the records, the data also Santa has to wear blue clothes. Merry Christmas! the long run, then hh You had metabolic syndrome. Slap Slap 名叫圣尼古拉斯 original Santa Claus. child This is for you!
Section 31: people who like pink The basic character
like the basic character of pink ~ people who grew up in the maximum ample families like the pink, character settled, moderate people ~ like pink in common, grew up in a rich family, tutor Good and rational people mostly favor partial pink. stable character of people like pink, tender, mostly pacifist. which, like the pale pink one not only has the magnificent and aesthetic temperament, still will attach to others. like the deep Pink people are closer in character like the red people, outgoing and ardent side. pink on behalf of gentle, loved by women generally. like pink female character is often steady, gentle, but very emotional and vulnerable to injury. solo, they always submerged in the fancy, the longing for mythological love and the perfect marriage. Most men like pink also has a gentle personality, is also more roomy minded. However, they have very acute, but it seems want to look more sensitive. like pink people interested in a crowd of entities are easy, but do not want to take the initiative to browse, there is a tendency to rely on others. There is an interesting phenomenon. Some women did not originally on the pink special feeling, not especially fond of are not very annoying, but one day she will suddenly a standing ovation pink. This is certainly want men with her concerns. attempting to show her gentle, she will intentionally or unintentionally, like powder color. Pink is the color of love, love when people tend to like pink. hate pink who grew up in tough circumstances have a tendency to hate pink. serious and hard man of deed is not easy to approve the powder color. to work at first people and people who like black and navy are also easy to hate pink. So, do not like the sweet pink color of the people who have quite a lot. to favor pink Some proposals like the pink one of those, many are like reading and drawing, and drawing will be people like perusing and lack of mobility. these people although she always wanted to do someone, but often complicated to put into action . proposed use more friends like red. wear clothes, can be decorated in red-based color or a mini red. In short, red has the power to promote your perform. vision of the absolute marriage. like pink guy who likes fantasy hh She is marital, ah ha ha ha Most grew up in a rich family, character, steady and gentle.
Section 32: the psychological effects of
pink roseate psychological effect / anecdotes about the pink ~ abrasive Color can make the cerebral and physical are youthful ~ pink namely a symbol of gentleness, performance namely more love and emotion as women. pale pink gives a lukewarm forces, at all times people will see by is full of happiness emotion. the Japanese ambition think of the sight of pink cherry blossoms, so pink is quite popular in Japan. When the go is no going well, look at the pink, the mood will lull down; full of aggressive emotion, to discern a look pink, will stabilize mood. In addition, pink is the expansion of color, more pink clothes to wear slender women tin make some of their plump look. Since the color pink is full of sweet, sweet sensibility does not favor folk do no also might like pink. in the workplace women have worked hard tendency to hate pink. In fact, if used properly, pink as women is still very nice. pink is pink medicine rejuvenating the endocrine system can make more vigorous, played opposition aging, even rejuvenating effect. pink can not merely discern more younger people can likewise make people feel cheerful and luminous. women constantly dress a pink shirt alternatively underwear, and pink with a lofty sunlight elaboration of the chamber, then, you will receive good results. In addition, the Department said namely the white can build a beauteous chamber. In fact, light pink and white colors can also enable women to look at the activities, and moderate exercise can surely make people more beautiful. pink pink can make people relax a relaxing effect. spiritually, pink can make the excitement of the stabilized; from the physical point of outlook, pink can make firm muscles relax. Therefore, the living room decorated in pink and aid alleviate stress and enhance physical and mental health. However, we must note that extravagant use of pink would be the opposite, it is momentous to master equilibrium. weary while see pink, will be very relaxed. ha hh pink of good health. However, the pink membrane (in Japanese refers to the ***) can be not such effect. hey? pink one wife can be relaxing. respiratory hh recommended just a baby with mommy and baby to wear pink. filled with the color of motherhood. the play of the person endocrine system, radiant melodrama a rejuvenating effect.
Section 33: like the blue man's elementary role < br> like the basic character of the blue ~ civilized, modest, and coordination ability of people ~ like blue like blue not only has a strong group coordination, very respectful, very modest man. They impulse people not of the mind in action well before the maneuver will be developed. they concern to send, and strictly inspect the rules. pacifists also tend to like blue. like sky blue, light blue and other bright blue man generally very mawkish and can freely expressing your minds. They do not have the social type of personality, but it will in some form (such as the masterpieces) to build contact with the world. like the navy and other deep-blue people, tend to be more rational, prefer over others. entrepreneurs and educators are mostly like dark blue, on the inverse, like the deep blue is also more suitable for people who engage in affair or education sectors. Moreover, like the deep blue relatively strong female self-determination at work the value of life can be found. like blue also have disadvantages, it is relatively stiff. love truce, not fighting character sometimes has shortcomings, such a person who is sometimes a bit languid. For example, opponents of the younger or weaker they particularly humble, kind, and for difficult opponent or boss, they simply suppressing their own to dine clay, they will not talk their true thoughts. All around us, there are many people like blue, I think it might be Because we live on this globe quite broad because of it blue. The sky is blue, the sea is blue. In addition, people like different types of blue, the character also has subtle differences. hate blue people people who indeed hate the blue minority, most people can accept the blue. do not like blue may have seasoned a huge failure, or life is very confident. In addition, there are painful experiences people can easily exclude blue. to like blue suggested that the person who can inspire the blue decision not only curiosity, but also encourage people to make decrees. blue or a kind of intuition have a stimulating color. if the use of blue in their work properly, but also to fully activate their own latent. Blue is the color of harmony, if you want to retain a good crew relationship, and made associate, employer, subordinates help to wear the blue dress now. However, when the listless, do not wear blue clothes, that just did not make themselves even more morale.
Section 34: Do you like the basic character of the blue like the bright blue
people with elegant disposition. like the blue one, yes! know now! learned, agile idea. like the deep blue of the person, the decree is as follows outlaw island! suitable for a major decision. ah! ah! How about this? adopt a solemn attitude, and coordination aptitude.
section 35: blue the psychological effects of the psychological effects of
blue / anecdotes about the blue blue ~ we all like, as well as the narcotic effect ~ Throughout the world, blue is the most popular color. blue symbol of peace and happiness, such as happiness and good luck on behalf of the Blue Jays (from Maeterlinck's fairy tale) and so on. In the UK, known as the blue blood blue blood (blueblood), the royal family and royal women wore dark blue clothing is called the imperial blue. In Christianity, the blue is the symbol of the Virgin Mary, is the color of hope. In addition, blue is also a symbol of youth, youth in China and Japan (Green refers blue) is used. In short blue gives the impression that a good majority. Blue gives a good impression are numerous, but not the negative role that it did not. For example, the blue gives a mature, woe and sense of loss. In China, the immature young people will be called Lengtou Qing (Ching refers blue). to describe people with a heavy heart, we often say that face turn blue. postpartum depression in English is called maternityblue. Blue is cool colors, giving the impression of a cold. In short, there are many negative effects blue. In addition, there are many psychological effects of the blue. blue has a calming effect, can make the emotions calm down, but also can lower blood pressure. Blue is the color back, which looks blue objects than the tangible distance. blue can make a person feel the time pass quickly. the heart of the color blue not only stable steady state of the human spirit, but also can lower blood pressure, stable breathing, muscle abatement. In short, people out of the blue can be nervous state. because, the light blue has to stabilize emotions and dilute the effects of labor, and dark blue will have a more meaningful sedative role. at home to work overtime if the best clothes to wear red. red of the highlights and exciting. ah hh red oil can make at work to keep a cool pate. blue can make the peace of mind decided. hehe giggle laugh before going to mattress put on the blue pajamas, hey blue is much easier to fall comatose. You can also lower blood pressure, smooth breathing, call - a word can make people calm. wearing blue sleep more soundly. oh ~ oh ~ call Ha - so, it is recommended to wear blue pajamas.
No. 36: Do you like the basic character of yellow like the yellow
the basic character ~ a sense of humor, and strong ability to work like idealists ~ yellow yellow people like people are rational, self-motivated strong, like new things, hate static, curious, loving study hh short, like the yellow one is definitely a challenger. their character unique in the throng is often a central figure . On the business side, they have a solitary idea, with the ability and motivation to succeed. like many people are idealists yellow, good at making plans, and tread by tread implementation. they like new things, and therefore also hate the old, of the lack of long. Moreover, like the yellow people still love Daxiaosuanpan. This is a neutral characteristic, is merged. and more by the child's preference yellow, yellow is the color of the pursuit of love. like the yellow man is dependent on the tendency of others, in which the heart was a lack of self-reliance. Psychologically, they are more childish, like emancipation, fear of bondage. like yelin the absnece of front of people who are mostly crazy, for when the comedian. There was also a silver tongue, for as a salesman. In addition , like the yellow people happy greed is too high, often feel they receive inadequate care. However, although the same is yellow, like the creamy yellow of people this character very stable, very strong ability to balance the situation. hate people who received the yellow strict education and knowledgeable people have a tendency to hate yellow,toronto escort, and conservative, most people also do not behave like the yellow. to those who like a little yellow proposal even like yellow,toronto asian escort, if overused, can trigger anxiety or incurred by somebody else's hate. in the upholstery or clothing in the excessive use of yellow, can also cause a bad effect. is best done using the dotted yellow or other colors to use. yelin the absnece of a short time can improve the people's attention, But the yellow too much will be counterproductive. or idealists, well, the donation of the monkey a banana! have business acumen. like the yellow one, huh, huh curious. But in fact, they are more suited to do in Iraq hh Oh oh comedian Iraq . is the central figure in the team.
Section 37: the psychological effects of
yellow yellow psychological effect, the yellow anecdotes reminiscent of the sun ~ the color of hope, different countries views on the yellow ~ yellow are not the same hope, happiness and pleasure and other positive symbols of meaning, while it is still dangerous, attention and anxiety and other negative symbolic meaning. On a global scale, the appraisal of countries are not the same yellow . China, India and Malaysia and other countries as noble as the yellow color, thus doubly respected. However, the Christian world by the Jews to wear yellow clothes, not like yellow. Islam, yellow dead, a symbol of bad luck. From color psychology point of view, there is good visibility yellow, and black with them more visible, to be used as a peril advising or placard signs of color. In addition, also represents the yellow gold, reminiscent of the sun. the yellow of the pill in the painter Van Gogh and the painters league if the yellow together, you first think of Which talent? I think most people think of Van Gogh. Van Gogh, 27, a painter, 37 years old to commit suicide path to end his own life.'s paintings during his short career, has left more than 800 agent oil paintings. Van Gogh's masterpiece the Many works are shrouded in yellow atmosphere. Van Gogh's family in southern France town of Al, Van Gogh and Gauguin friends who live in the yellow of the house. In short, life is love Van Gogh yellow. Yellow is the color of the sun, representing the hope. However, too many yellow will also adversely affect the human spirit. Van Gogh is a mental cancer, can be said that he was a drug in the yellow of the genius painter. He ...

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