Wednesday, April 27, 2011

normal mother

Nature :
Hello .
natural mommy, you are feeding your children m birds, of fish , yet likewise nurtured sons and daughters of our group . But now , some of gratitude I do no know who gave you to send A lot of damage : the Yellow River water is tainted, the trees are scanty ,starting August first, rare plants and animals along with the erasure of speed up normal ; the sky is not blue , and stars running out ,toronto escort, the flowers do no smile hh now nature has been deeply Deep war and injury .
However , please be ensured that you will soon be another pretty , gorgeous , pretty to come from! From now above , we absence to conserve water resources, conservation of ecology. in the hereafter : the sky laughed Bright stars ,toronto escort, green and extra , the river wash, and environmentally friendly products extra profuse , the world namely better off !

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