Wednesday, April 27, 2011

resulting in early abortion. 2 afterward fertilization -8 weeks as the embryo

--- Advice because couples planning a pregnancy
three-drug, this is true, everyone knows that, but when a key muddled. Many couples to take out-patient encounter a pile of drugs instructions to me for advice: Doctor, I equitable know thatpregnant, you meditation I eat so much medicine, the baby ambition want to do?
I put drugs in the body metabolism and effects on kid acquaint for pregnancy couple, so that we understand the three-drug fact.
1, effects of drugs on fetal and embryonic evolution is narrated to pre-medication in the process of implantation has mini efficacy unless the mom poisoning, resulting in early abortion. 2 after fertilization -8 weeks for the embryo, this period is the period of organ formation,toronto escort,really a lot of questions apt query students, if the dispose of the embryo drugs can lead to miscarriage, but if only to the extent of such serious can teratogenic. malformation and fetal exposure to the type of organ evolution stage drugs related, such as the nervous system in pregnancy 15-26 days, 20-40 days of gestation the heart, eyes in 24-39 days, 24-46 days in the limbs, genitalia 36-55 days. teratogenic drugs can cause the corresponding organs of the deformity and often can guide to multiple malformations. After 9 weeks of pregnancy into the fetal period, when the increase to the central nervous system and reproductive system needs beyond development, most organs have been formed, a drug response is not teratogenic but the cardinal toxicity.
2, the impact of drugs on the fetus: According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration FDA classified as five categories of drugs.
A medicines: where people trials have been demonstrated in the early apt late pregnancy aboard the fetus during pregnancy safe narcotic namely can be used in moderation.
B medicines: Animal experiments confirmed that sound, without the human early pregnancy test confirmed the drug.
C medicines: beast experiments confirmed teratogenic or embryo decease, and controlled trials in humans have not done; or were not done in animal and human experiments, such drugs should be measured opposition the caution.
D medicines: proven noxious to human fetus, in the deficiency of other agreeable and telling dispose beneath the guidance of the drugs used have to take risks.
X medicines: human or animal studies have shown can cause fetal malformations, or harmful to the fetus, pregnant women should be banned drugs.
3, maximum women understand to await until the duration expires may be pregnant, but the fertilized eggs at this time have begun to enter the period of apparatus formation, or teratogenic sensitive period,shanghai massage, so simple to unwittingly ignore the early embryo causes injury, so from the health point of outlook, at the peak of there is possible to become pregnant without contraception, you can not casually medicine, we must be cautious to embryo abuse.
4, there is disease in the pre-pregnancy, be sure to stable condition, after consultation with a doctor, you can obtain pregnant during pregnancy. should be used as a stable condition on sperm, eggs and embryos less toxic drugs (B drugs better) to retain, until the end of pregnancy and lactation. such as diabetes, oral hypoglycemic proxies do not use insulin. antihypertensive compound pills without continuing hypertension, use methyldopa or labetalol given. congenital center ailment can be resistant coagulant warfarin stopped into heparin, for three months before pregnancy.
5, the absence of certain nutrients such as vitamins, track elements can occasion congenital abnormalities, but excessive intake can cause congenital anomalies. Therefore, causativeable pre-pregnancy and pregnancy should disburse care to diet, increasing training, avert alcohol, tobacco and coffee. pregnant to add folic sour, folic acid later taking 8 weeks to fill the need, if necessary make the same face the risk of fetal malformations.
us to the afterward generation of health, exercise, and enhance their immune system, less medication, not medicine, healthy and flat to encounter the baby's birth.

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