Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the Emperor namely really a henpecked Laoer Zhu Er

Why does the man have the right to more henpecked
text: Su Qin
both archaic and modern, the supreme potentate of the myth has a powerful wife. There is a Chinese Jade Emperor, his wife is Queen Mother, of lesson,toronto escort, there are human say that this is the Jade Emperor's mom Queen Mother, but in the future the remediation husband, the Emperor is actually a henpecked Laoer Zhu Er!
Western mythology, there is Lord Zeus, is the supreme ruler of heaven, is the daytime his wife Hera, the Queen Mother diplomatic equivalent. The women than of the Queen Mother, more powerful, punish her husband's . Ruhuasiyu former lover in one by one into a duck and goose dogs and cats, Zeus was silent indignation, and his wife's arbitrary and callous attitude of no resistance. Of course,shanghai massage,He said, this Zeus cried Fa My Lover, each meeting a lover apt be rotated into animals, he would in a quite short period of time to find a Hera, and only reluctantly in envy!
life is not a myth, but there is life in the eclipse of the myth. The higher the status of the more henpecked men, for a man's success is a mighty matron have to rely on the so-called Husband afterward carry the Iron Palm, but my wife!
the globe has forever been this direction, betrayal, matrimony is one everlasting heading. tricking men tin always find a reason because inviting you emotionally, make you trust he's soft spot , you are his only adore.
course, if his wife can find you a flat business, the threats and inducements to you separately, must not persevere. believe that a stolen love, make you pine for life.
later breaking up, you ought rejoice: this male has a wife, is his blessing, is your blessing.
Hera if the lovers are not into animals, it can only be Abandoning one by 1.
on the woman, forsook wives to be tragic, it is better to be a merry animal!

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